Information on personal data protection

Compliance with privacy law is an ethical value of Group RENAULT as stated in its Group privacy policy. 
Renault takes all necessary steps to ensure that your personal data are processed safely and in accordance with the regulations.

You will find below detailed information about how we use your personal information in relation with the use of this website and the sending of newsletter.

Your personal data are processed by Renault SAS, as data controller.

Renault SAS is located in France, 13/15 quai le Gallo 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt. Contact details of its data protection officer (DPO) are the following: Renault SAS, Direction juridique – Délégué à la protection des données, 13/15 quai le Gallo 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt and

We collect personal information from you when you fill out a form on our site, you contact us by email, phone, live chat or any other means.

We use your personal information for the following reasons:

PurposesLegal basis
You send, with your agreement, our newsletterThis purpose is based on your consent
Manage your claimIt is necessary for our legitimate interest (preventing litigation)
Contact you for customer satisfaction survey or market research survey about our existing products and servicesIt is necessary for our legitimate interest (improve our products and services)
You send, at your request, information on the measurements of the emissions in real conditions (RDE)This purpose is based on our legal obligations
Send you, with your consent when the regulation requires it, personalised marketing messages, notably news about produits, special offers, invitations to events or games and contestsYou have given your consent or it is necessary for our legitimate interest (provide you with relevant contents)
Ensure the quality and continuous improvement of our products and services, notably by using business analytics technologies on your dataIt is necessary for our legitimate interest (improve our products and services)
For internal reporting purposesIt is necessary for our legitimate interest (mesure the performance of our activity and improve our products and services)

When we send you marketing information, our objective is to send you advertisements and offers that are the most relevant to you, fitting your needs or really of interest to you. Indeed, thanks to your personal data (the ones that you provide us with directly and the ones obtained from our partners, or that we collect automatically [when you visit our websites or use our mobile applications), we create a profile of you which allows us to assess and predict as well as possible your personal preferences and/or interests for our products and services. Better knowing you helps us improving your satisfaction.

More generally speaking, we undertake to collect only the personal data that are necessary for each purpose for which we process your data.

Therefore, the mandatory information we require in forms you complete is indicated. They are mandatory because they are needed for entering into a contract or process your requests, or also for complying with our legal or regulatory obligations. If you do not wish to provide the mandatory information, we will not be able to process your request. Other information are for getting to know you better especially in order to send you personalized marketing information and are consequently not mandatory. You are free to fill them in or not.

Les « données personnelles » désignent toute information permettant de vous identifier soit directement (comme votre nom), soit indirectement (par exemple à l’aide d’un numéro de client unique).

De manière générale, nous nous engageons à collecter uniquement les données personnelles qui sont pertinentes et appropriées à chacune des finalités pour lesquelles nous traitons vos données personnelles.

Les données personnelles que nous collectons dépendent de notre interaction avec vous et peuvent inclure des informations concernant :

  • Votre identité et vos coordonnées (nom, prénom, adresse postale, adresse mail, téléphone…),
  • Des données liées à votre situation personnelle et/ou professionnelle (situation familiale, catégorie socioprofessionnelle…),
  • Vos données de paiement et de transaction (type de paiement, remise consentie…),
  • Des données relatives à notre relation commerciale, en particulier nos interactions et contrats (historique des commandes, interventions après-vente, contrats de service, jeux concours, interactions avec notre service client…),
  • Les données d’identification de votre véhicule (marque, modèle, immatriculation, n° de châssis…),
  • Vos données de géolocalisation (votre consentement est recueilli lorsque la règlementation nous l’impose),
  • Des données liées à l’utilisation véhicule (kilométrage, trajet, utilisation du multimédia...) et éventuellement de sa batterie (niveau de charge…),
  • Si vous avez un véhicule connecté, des données permettant le contrôle du et éventuellement de sa batterie (condamnation / décondamnation, pré-conditionnement, programmation de la charge de la batterie...), relatives au mode de conduite (usage des commandes, accélérations, freinages...) ou à la fourniture des services connectés ou applications embarquées,
  • Des données nécessaires à la réalisation des actions de fidélisation, de prospection, d'étude, de sondage (par ex vos préférences en matière de véhicules),
  • Des données concernant vos profils numériques (comptes en ligne),
  • Des données concernant l’utilisation de nos sites internet et applications mobiles, ainsi que nos communications (nombre de visites, page visitée, ouverture de nos messages…).

A ce titre, les données indispensables pour répondre à votre demande ou pour les besoins d’un contrat ou d’une obligation légale sont signalées dans les formulaires de collecte (notamment par des astérisques). Si vous ne souhaitez pas fournir les données obligatoires, nous ne pourrons probablement pas traiter votre demande ou vous fournir les services concernés. Les autres informations sont destinées à mieux vous connaître, en particulier pour vous envoyer des messages publicitaires personnalisés. Ces informations sont, par conséquent, facultatives.

Nous vous invitons à nous tenir régulièrement informés par écrit de toute modification concernant vos données personnelles.

Les produits et services que nous proposons s’adressent principalement à des personnes majeures. Nous ne réalisons donc pas de traitement spécifique sur les personnes mineures.

We undertake to keep your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which we process them, in accordance with the regulations.

In order to calculate the retention period of your personal data, we use notably the following criteria:

  • The duration of your contract, if you have entered into such contract with RENAULT,
  • The time required to proceed your request or your claim,
  • The duration for which your user account is opened, unless you have been inactive for 3 years,
  • Your reactivity to our marketing information,
  • The need to keep a record of your interactions with us, for a good management of our commercial relationship,
  • Our legal or regulatory obligations.

We may have to keep some of your personal data for a longer duration, in an archive file, in order for us to be able to defend in a legal action, until the end of the statute of limitation provided by applicable law.

We may share your information when we rely on other entities of our partners or service providers, in order to process all or part of your personal information, to the extent necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted to it (for example, for hosting our website or mobile app, for providing services relating to operation or maintaining our website, for providing services relating to sending marketing information, for conducting a survey).

As far as possible, we store your information on servers located within the European Economic Area (EEA). However, some of our services providers being located outside of the EEA, your personal information are therefore processed in those countries. Some of those countries may have a different regulation on data protection than the European Union. In such cases, we pay special attention to make such transfer compliant with application regulation and put in place equivalent safeguards with respect to the protection your privacy, fundamental rights and freedoms as the ones offered by European Union (notably by using Standard Contractual Clauses of the European commission). Upon written request sent to the address mentioned in the below section “Your rights”, we pay provide you with further details on those data transfers (especially the Standard Contractual Clauses of the European commission).

Finally, we may have to share your personal data with third parties as necessary to comply with a legal obligation or administrative or judiciary decision.

You have the following rights in respect of the processing of your personal information:

  • To request access to your information, in other words to receive a copy of them,
  • To have your information corrected, if it is inaccurate or not up to date, which will help us to comply with our obligation to have up-to-date information about you,
  • To have your information erased (also known as right to be forgotten), although such right might be limited in view of our contractual or legal obligations,
  • To receive a copy of your information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and transmit it to another data controller (also known as right to data portability),
  • To object to processing of your information, on grounds relating to your particular situation, and to restrict processing of your information, in the cases provided by the regulation,
  • To object to marketing information (notably when profiling is used), said right could be notably exercise by using the unsubscribe link in the email we send you,
  • To withdraw your consent at any time, for the purposes for which we collected your consent.

To exercise any of these rights, you may contact us, providing a proof of your identity, by email at], by post at Renault SAS, Direction juridique – Délégué à la protection des données, 13/15 quai le Gallo 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL  about the processing of your personal data. We encourage you to contact us before making any complaint and we will seek to resolve any issue or concern you may have.

We may automatically collect technical information about you when you visit any of our websites or use our mobile apps, including your IP address, your browser settings, using trackers (cookies).  

For more information on this, please read our cookies policy available at

We may modify from time to time this information document. When required or needed, we will inform your and / or request your consent. We therefore invite you to have a look at it at every visit to get the up-to-date version.